Little people

I have a little wooden shelf in our living room and it's appropriate for displaying seasonal items.

I used a basic white display frame and glued unbleached linen on a cardboard to make the background. The white letters are made from children's modeling clay (the air-drying variety).

A pair of old decorations catch the eye on the bottom. The wooden dolls are tiny and charmingly chipped.

Oh, and many have asked why I've used the words "God Jul" (Swedish) and not the Finnish equivalent "Hyvää joulua". The reason is purely esthetic! The short words line up nicely and are visually pleasing. Since I love words, there are some scattered around the house. My christmas vocabulary includes English and French, as well. I'll show you more of these, don't worry.


Sissel said...

den här idén gillar jag jättemycket! jag tror jag kommer göra en egen tavla med "god jul", fast jag skriver nog ut på skrivaren. God jul till dig!

Marsvin said...

Hei, Millä olet leikannut nuo autot ja lapaset noihin joulukortteihin? Yritin vähän samantapaista ideaa, mutta en saanut leikatuksi siistejä kuvioita... :-( Vinkki ois tarpeen!

Anonymous said...

Marsvin: autot ja lapaset on leikattu kuvioleikkureilla! Jostain sinellistä sai kolme vitosella, niitä leikkureita siis.